Once a year, Muslims have to fast for 29 or 30 days when the month of Ramadan arrives. This fasting is obligatory, except in cases of extreme sickness or travel, old age or debilitation. This month is also a month dedicated to worship, in which the Quran was revealed to Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the first time, and in which any good deed performed gets multiplied rewards. During Ramadan, Muslims eat before dawn and after sunset, abstaining from food, drink, marital relations, and sins in between.
Fasting brings a wholesome physiological rest for the digestive tract and central nervous system and normalizes metabolism. It reduces or eliminates hunger and causes rapid weight normalisation.
Islamic fasting can improve or even cure diseases such as cardiovascular and circulatory diseases, diseases of digestive system, diseases of the muscular-skeletal system including rheumatism, respiratory system diseases including asthma, and the early stage of malignant diseases like cancer.
1 - Mucus diseases
All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities. A patient that suffered from a severe asthma for two or three decades decided to observe the Sunnah fasting (every Monday and Thursday). As a result, she was thoroughly cured after a period of time.
2 - Calcium and cholesterol deposits
The types of diseases that are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells, and glands are readily dissolved and removed from the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins also respond to the cleansing power of fasting.
3 - Weight normalisation
Fasting can be used to normalize our weight. As our common sense says, weight reduction is achieved by fasting, along with other health benefits. There are many diet programs using an unbalanced diet that can be dangerous for our health. Fasting is a natural way to normalize our body weight.
4 - Unnecessary fat deposits
Fasting dissolves all unnecessary and unnatural fat deposits all over the body and the body is relieved of a tremendous burden.
5 - Overeating
When fasting for a few days, the stomach shrinks to its normal size and the hungry feeling gradually fades away. When the body goes back to the normal diet, there will not be exaggerated hunger and the urge to overeat will no longer be present.
6 - Revitalizing the digestive systems
Surprisingly enough, fasting programs can be used for underweight people who cannot gain weight even if they stuff themselves with many fattening foods. The cause of both overweight and underweight is a nutritionally unbalanced diet. “People are not nourished in proportion to amount of food they eat, but in proportion to how much they digest and assimilate” (Bragg & Bragg, 1999, p120). Thus what underweight people need is exactly what overweight people need revitalizing the digestive and assimilative systems to work efficiently.
7 - Assimilation recuperation
As metabolism is improved through fasting, the body recuperates the capability to assimilate proteins, fats, carbohydrates, starches, sugars, minerals, vitamins and all other essential nutrients.
8 - Skin problems
The human body uses the skin as a secondary eliminative organ. Because conditions such as boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples are the body’s effort to eliminate poisons, skin problems also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed (Burroughs, 1976).
9 - Damaged digestive structures
The stomach, intestines and colon are given a complete rest by the fast and are enabled to repair damaged structures. Piles, proctitis, colitis, appendicitis, enteritis, enteric fever (typhoid), gastritis, etc., speedily recover under the fast. The alimentary tract becomes practically free of bacteria during a fast.
10 - Ageing
It renews cells, in other words, those who fast look younger than those who do not. Amazingly, when someone looks at the face of a 40-year-old Muslim woman who reared eight children, they might think she is under 30. This is due mainly to the highly positive effects of fasting.
11 - Bad habits
Fasting can increase a person’s willpower and make them psychologically more resistant to future temptations and find it easier to get themselves out of bad habits and addictions such as addictions to harmful substances: tobacco, drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, and other habit-forming beverages. Fasting leads our body to get rid of stored toxins, including addictive substances, and we lose our craving and tolerance for them. Thus after fasting we will feel nausea or sometimes have attacks of vomiting, “nature’s purge” if taking addictive substances